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The School uniform must be worn on all school days and at all school functions.
Pupils must be punctual for the assembly. Late- comers and absentees should bring the late attendance and absence record signed by their parents.
Leave of absence will be granted only on written applications from the parent or guardian. In case of long illness, a medical certificate and a fitness certificate will have to be produced. A minimum of 80% attendance is a must for promotion to next higher class.
Students are not allowed to meet parents or visitors in School or to leave the school premises during school hours without prior permission of the principal. Children will not be allowed to go home during school hours or take half- day leave on working days.
Students are not expected to wear ornaments of any kind to school. Magazines, toys, or such other articles must not be brought to school without prior permission. Exchange of articles or money transactions between students is not allowed.
Pupils are themselves responsible for their personal belongings, books, writing material, tiffin ? carriers etc. Students are forbidden to write or scribble on the wall or dirty the classrooms or damage any material. Parent/ Guardian will have to compensate for wilful damage done to school property.
Parents are requested not to give money to their children unless on written request from the school. Students are not allowed to purchase food from unauthorised dealers at or near the school premises.
Every student must take part in school games and other activities unless rendered medically unfit or exempted by the Principal.
Parents are requested to co-operate in the school work by taking interest in the progress of their children and enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline. No private tuition by school staff will be permitted.
Parents who seek information or who wish to make some complaint should do so to the Principal and not to the class teacher. Parents can meet the principal during the times stipulated, on all working days in the office only.
Parents who wish to speak to the class teachers regarding the progress of their children shall do so only after getting prior appointment through the Principal.
Progress report shall be collected by the parents after every examination during the Open House. It is mandatory that parents attend Open House regularly and co -operate with the teachers. They may go through the report card carefully and return it to the class teacher duly signed within 2 days.
No arrangement will be made for holding special exams for absentees before or after the time fixed for the exam. Pupils who absent themselves for examination without genuine reasons will be considered failed.
A student has to appear in all special papers (Art. MI, GK & SUPW) for a clear promotion to the next higher class.
Student failing in the same class for two consecutive years will not be allowed to continue his studies in the Vidyalaya.
Politeness and courtesy is expected from the pupil. Every pupil is expected to maintain high moral and spiritual standards set by the school through his / her manner and conduct. They are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct even outside the school.
Students are not allowed to bring mobiles, pen ? drives or any other electronic devices to school. Violation of the rule will be viewed seriously and stern action will be taken.
The CBSE has introduced the school based internal assessment in subjects of Maths, Social Science at secondary stage. Students will be marked on their performance throughout the year, the practical work, activities, project work, assignments from class IX onwards. A percentage of marks from IX is carried over to the class X final score at the CBSE examination.
Parents/ Guardians must ensure that no child remains in the School premises after 5.00 p.m., unless instructed by school authorities. The school will not be responsible for any child after 5 p.m.
Only English should be spoken in the school premises, it being the medium of instruction.
No pupil suffering from contagious or infectious diseases shall be allowed to attend school.
Parents and guardians are requested to see that their children come to school neatly dressed. Boys must cut their hair properly. Boys with long hair will not be allowed in class. Girls should plait their hair into two using black ribbon.
The school reserves the right to dismiss a pupil on grounds of irregular attendance, regular failure in producing leave application, disobedience or discourtesy shown to teachers. Any kind of malpractice or objectional behaviour, not in keeping with the good tone of the School inside the premises or elsewhere is punishable. Non- cooperation of the parents will be viewed seriously to the extent that the child may be dismissed in extreme cases.
Fees defaulters will not be eligible to take final examination.
Non vegetarian food is prohibited in the Vidyalaya. Parents should not send any non- veg dish as part of the pupil?s lunch.
Parents should check the diary, note the home work and see that the homework is done.
Parents are requested to see that this diary is brought by the child to school daily.
Parents are requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed, please note that the rules are subject to modification in the interest of the pupil and the school.
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Aims and Objectives
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SSCE(Class XII) 2024
SSE(Class X) -2024
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Chemistry Lab
Biology Lab
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Annual Report 2024